by Matt Sill | Dec 18, 2014 | Business Travel, Family Travel, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide
If you’ve ever needed help with travel planning, but have some specific needs that the giant travel sites can’t help you with, Nomadic Matt published a very useful blog post in September about some lesser-known travel sites that can be very helpful when...
by ProBlog | Dec 9, 2014 | Business Travel, Road Warrior, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide
Business trips are a necessary part of doing business around the country or around the world. Trade shows, conferences, and client meetings are all a part of the game. Meeting someone face-to-face can change the dynamics of a key business relationship. The personal...
by ProBlog | Dec 4, 2014 | Business Travel, News, Road Warrior, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide, Travel News
We have discussed the little luxuries of traveling and how the experience can be enhanced by little niceties such as a mint on your pillow or a bottle of water when you check in. Getting an upgrade can be one of them. Or not. I have been offered upgrades due to my...
by Matt Sill | Nov 27, 2014 | Business Travel, Family Travel, Road Warrior, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide
The ticket you bought for your next flight could cost twice as much, or half as much, as the person sitting next to you. It’s a rule of flying that buying a ticket at the last minute means you’ll pay more than someone who bought when prices were at their...
by ProBlog | Nov 4, 2014 | Business Travel, News, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide, Travel News
More women are traveling for business than ever before these days. With this increase comes a new form of travel marketing: some high-end hotels are offering floors dedicated only to women. Some of these “no men allowed” floors even go so far as to having...
by ProBlog | Oct 23, 2014 | Business Travel, Family Travel, Road Warrior, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide
For the last few blog posts, we’ve looked at different travel scams and petty crimes from infographic on common travel scams. We’ve talked about scams, pickpockets, and even identity theft. But we’ve saved the most outrageous scams for...