by Matt Sill | Nov 4, 2016 | Business Travel, Family Travel, Road Warrior, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide
Most people think travel insurance is a way to recoup the cost of an airline ticket in the event of a personal emergency or health situation that makes it impossible for them to complete their travels. But travel insurance is more than just personal insurance....
by Matt Sill | Oct 28, 2016 | Business Travel, Family Travel, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide
There’s a great deal of emphasis these days being placed on personal security while traveling. But have you thought about ways you might be “leaving the door unlocked” for thieves while you’re away from home? By instituting a few simple...
by Matt Sill | Oct 21, 2016 | Business Travel, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide
Years ago, an airport lounge used to be an exclusive privilege available only to passengers of a certain status or with a specific type of ticket. No more! With the click of a few buttons on a few apps, and a credit card, you too can escape the hustle and chaos of the...
by Matt Sill | Oct 19, 2016 | Business Travel, News, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide, Travel News
Recently, the country’s three major airlines each implemented a little change to their pricing models that, if you’re not careful, can end up costing you a lot more per flight. The change, says The New York Times, could make it up to seven times more...
by Matt Sill | Oct 17, 2016 | Business Travel, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide
You’ve just found out from your boss that you’re being sent on your first business trip. Don’t panic — we’re here to help! Here are several tips we’ve compiled from our veteran road warriors to get you off on the right foot as you learn...
by Matt Sill | Oct 10, 2016 | Business Travel, Road Warrior, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide
There are several categories of traveling business professionals: the occasional business traveler, the frequent flyer, and the road warrior. Road warriors spend significant portions of the work week traveling between clients, and have a few tricks up their collective...