by Matt Sill | Dec 16, 2016 | Business Travel, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide
There are some things in life business travelers just can’t change, but for almost everything else there’s a hack. These tips for making your smartphone work for you should make your life easier and avoid some hassles. Switch SIM cards when traveling...
by Matt Sill | Dec 14, 2016 | Business Travel, Family Travel, News, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide, Travel News
Americans wasted 658 million vacation days in 2015. That’s nearly 2.2 vacation days for every person in the United States. According to Project Time Off, this is the highest number of vacation days they have ever seen. More than half of American workers (55%)...
by Matt Sill | Dec 12, 2016 | Business Travel, Collections, Executive Choice 2, Luggage, Platinum Magna, Travel Guide
It’s the one thing that unites every airport traveler, regardless of destination, purpose of your trip, or which class we fly. We all want to get through security quickly. We take off our belts, remove our jackets and our shoes, put our change and keys in the...
by Matt Sill | Dec 7, 2016 | Business Travel, Carry On Luggage, Luggage, Road Warrior, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide
Conducting business at a trade show, expo, or conference requires a different level of energy than a routine road warrior business trip. You’ll spend two, three, even four days on your feet, talking to dozens of people, constantly walking back and forth, usually...
by Matt Sill | Dec 5, 2016 | Business Travel, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide
If you’ve ever suffered a missed flight or hours-long delay because of weather, mechanical problems, or even a computer system failure, you understand why travel insurance has become a popular must-have item among business travelers. Passengers may miss flights...
by Matt Sill | Nov 30, 2016 | Business Travel, Family Travel, Road Warrior, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guide
It’s the last thing you want to have happen when you’re traveling: your bag doesn’t show up at the baggage carousel. It has an immediate impact on your psyche, not to mention your itinerary. But if the airline loses or mishandles your bag, there are...