We’ve come to rely on technology so much, we’ve sometimes made things more difficult when the technology is supposed to make our lives easier. And one little tech mistake on your travels can throw off your whole trip, or add some unexpected expenses. USA Today shared several tech travel mistakes we can avoid to ensure our next trip is pleasant and glitch-free, and we picked a few of our favorites.

Avoid travel mistakes like forgetting mobile chargers or letting your phone's memory get too full.

  • Don’t forget the power sources for your mobile devices! Nothing can stop you in your tracks faster than a dead battery, so consider purchasing an extra wall charger that stays in your luggage at all times. Some battery packs take up less space than a wallet, and can boost your device for a day if they’re fully charged. Take along a separate charging cable that will allow you to charge your phone using your laptop’s power, and if you’re going to be driving, pack your car charger. Better yet, purchase our new Crew™ 11 21″ Spinner with a built-in USB port for on-the-go charging! Be sure to label the cords and wrap them so that they don’t become a tangled mess, and check your rental car and hotel room thoroughly so you don’t accidentally leave one behind.
  • Airline earbuds are complimentary for a reason. They get the job done, but often they don’t fit your ears well. That means those around you are forced to eavesdrop on your conversations or “enjoy” your music selections. You may live in a state that doesn’t mandate Bluetooth use when driving and talking on a cell phone, but you may go to one that does. Buying a set of Bluetooth-enabled earbuds will do double duty for you. One heads-up, though: this type of earbud system runs on batteries, so re-read #1.
  • Failing to manage your mobile storage can create an uncomfortable dilemma — erasing something old to save something new. Don’t cry — invest in a portable storage device for your phone. These little gadgets can offer 256 GB of memory, and increased storage memory means more tear-free memory making! Better yet, get a Dropbox account, or if you have an iPhone, activate your iCloud account and pay the $.99/month for extra storage.
  • Call your bank before you travel, especially internationally, and let them know where you’re heading. A quick call alerts them so that they don’t freeze your account because they suspect fraudulent activity.
  • Don’t rely on airport or hotel Wi-Fi for online activity. Not only is it slow, it’s vulnerable to hacking and viruses. Downloading entertainment options before you leave town keeps this from happening, and using a personal mobile hotspot is more secure, in case you need to conduct personal business online.
  • You may have a smart home setup that allows you to connect to an app and keep an eye on the house. But if you see something amiss, you can’t do anything more than watch! Investigate a system that not only connects you to your home, but connects your home to monitoring by security professionals. These systems allow you 24/7 access from any computer or mobile device and the ability to turn lights on and off so that it looks like you’re home. The best ones can even send help in the event of a burglary or fire.

With these simple tips and tools, your tech will remain useful to you while you’re on the road for work or vacation. What tech tips do you have? Share them with us in the comments below, on our Facebook page, or in our Twitter stream.

Photo credit: jeshoots (Pixabay, Creative Commons)